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Loris M
2/3/16, 8:42 PM

It´s all about democracy-gender neutral preschools

Det är alltid intressant att läsa hur andra ser på oss och vår pedagogik samt arbetssätt. Sen är det nyttigt också tycker jag. Vi gör många bra saker, exempelvis när det kommer till genusarbete. Mycket av vårt arbete har vi själva svårt att se då allt är så självklart för oss. Att pojkar och flickor ska erbjudas samma möjligheter, att vi ska bekämpa de traditionella könsroller, att vi tänker på vad leksaker signalerar, hur barnen leker och med vad …. allt detta är så självklart och något vi dagligen gör utan att nästan tänka på det. Därför blir det lite roligt när någon synliggör och uppmärksammar det självklara. Så här skriver de i The Guardian:

"At five preschools in Stockholm you won’t find the usual designated areas for dressing up, building blocks, toy cars and dolls houses. All the toys are purposefully jumbled up together as part of a gender-neutral policy.

The concept began in 1998 when an amendment to Sweden’s Education Actstipulated that all schools must work against gender stereotyping. As a result, Lotta Rajalin, the head of five state preschools for children aged one to six, introduced gender-neutral policies in her preschools. In 2011 she opened Egalia(equality in Latin), a school that specialises in gender equal teaching – an approach that does not assume that different genders have different characteristics, wants and needs. “It’s all about democracy,” says Rajalin. “We want to give all children the same opportunities the same rights.”

The children can use whatever language they like but if one of them says something like: “You can’t play that, it’s a boys’ game,” the teachers use open questions to discuss why the child feels like that. They use “hen” as a gender neutral alternative to he or she because they feel that it discourages stereotyping. “For example, if a firefighter is coming in and we don’t know if they are a man or woman we would call them ‘hen’,” says Wikström. “We assume it’s a ‘he’ because we get that image in our head.” They also use “hen” in songs where they’ve noticed that more assertive or aggressive animals tend to be called “he” and sweeter ones “she”. “A bear is nearly always a he." 


Men alla är inte lika positiva och menar att en könsneutral miljö kan skapa förvirring hos vissa barn:

"Spaces where children can be whatever they want to be are important, says Pippa Hodges, a child counsellor at schools in north London. But there could also be risks with a gender-neutral environment. “There might be a danger of children identifying strongly with a particular gender and not being supported in that; the risk of confusion and shame is high at this developmental stage,” she explains.

Genevieve Passamonte, a nursery school teacher in north London, also has her reservations: “Every good nursery has equal opportunities and anti-bias policies. It’s absolutely fine if a little boy wants to wear a dress, but… it’s important for the children to learn language correctly."

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